Local Tourist Meets: The Wild Reeds

Three sirens, two Nicks, and one awesome sweaty night in First Ave’s 7th Street Entry.

The Wild Reeds

I discovered The Wild Reeds on Spotify. I was listening to Spotify’s ‘Evening Chill’ station. It was a smooth detox on my commute home from the day job. When “Let No Grief” came on, I was stunned. I went to the artist’s station right away. The delicate acoustic strings and Sharon Silva’s voice grew stronger with the lyrics:

“I have to sing something louder than I have before so I can escape this overwhelming pain and never hurt no more.”

Ugh, that gave me goosebumps! We’ve all been in that place, where we experienced disappointment and heartbreak and yes, sometimes it’s just good to scream. That line gives me courage and makes me excited for the future. You may be down but there is more fight in you, homie. The harmony kicks in from Kinsey Lee and Mackenzie Howe in the second verse, the mood gets even stronger, as three is a divine number.

I had to reach out. The came into town on July 5. I met the ladies and the two Nicks — Phakpiseth (bass) and Jones (drums) before the show. The energy was superb, and the band accommodated me. I took a few INSTAX double exposure portraits too. Hardcore Wild Reeds fans are patient. They waited at the front of the stage as the band members fine-tuned their instruments. The group is very talented with each singer changing lead and backing each other up. The instruments include various stringed utensils, acoustic and electric guitar, banjo and harmonium.

The ladies’ strong suit is the harmony. It’s magical how all their voices come together. They played new songs, in celebration of quitting their jobs. Among their selections — a beautiful song for the couple-heavy crowd titled, “Of All The Dreams.” For their closing, they sang the popular “Where I’m Going.”


Written by Manny King John

DJ Nolita

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